
Flowers of Cambodia & Malaysia

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Malaysia Time

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Malaysia and Cambodia


This is about my upcoming trip to Malaysia and Cambodia. The first part is pre-trip - information about flights, itineraries, accommodation and all the things that you need to do to plan an overseas holiday. This is my first trip to Asia and I hope it may help others. Comments are very welcome and anyone who has travelled to Malaysia and/or Cambodia, please feel free to comment and offer any advice or tips that you think would be helpful. As of today ( 28th February) , in exactly 11 days (minus 30 minutes) I will be in Kuala Lumpur.

I had the most amazing time and hope you enjoy reading about my trip. Each post is numbered and I'm doing them in order from start to finish - a little like a diary.



119. Sunrise in Melaka

It is my last day, I rose early to catch a last glimpse of the city I had come to love. As the dawn was starting to come, I waited silently in the early morning watching the sky gradually lighten and the sun rise heralding the start of a new day. Below are some of the photos - I have tried to choose ones which show the differing light from first to last.

Pagi tidak Sunrise sahaja, tetapi satu keajaiban yang indah alam yang kekalahan kegelapan dan merebak Cahaya


Morning is not only Sunrise, but a beautiful miracle of nature that defeats darkness and spreads Light

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